Check out my new portfolio built with React!

Sara Baqla

Odessa, TX ยท

I am a full-stack web developer leveraging a science and education background. My goal is to create user friendly applications that have high impact. My science background allows me to have an objective approach to problem solving. I earned a certificate in Full Stack Web Development from a boot camp hosted by UT Austin. I am a highly adaptable individual who pays great attention to detail. I may not know all the answers but am resourceful and can produce quality work. I am looking forward to adding my skills to an innovative team with the goal of creating maintainable applications for the web.


Git Me There Screenshot
Git Me There

Git Me There was created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and 3rd party APIs. The purpose of this project is for users to plan their transportation needs for upcoming trips. A user simply types in the location of any U.S. city and will be given a walking score, biking score, and restaurants nearby. If the walking score is below 50, a link to reserve a ride with Uber will appear.

Fact or Fiction Screenshot
Fact or Fiction

Fact or Fiction is a full-stack application that allows users to play an interactive game, determining whether or not presented laws or headlines are real or fake. This project was created using Handlebars.js, Express.js, Sequelize and styled using Bootstrap.

Baes Screenshot

Baes is a full MERN stack application. It was created to improve relationships by allowing users to store pertinent information about the important people in their lives. Users create an account, update their profile, add connections and store personalized notes about those connections.

OHS Band Screenshot
OHS Broncho Band

This was a refactoring project for the Odessa High School band program. The OHS Broncho Band site was made to be mobile responsive, updated images and links. Created new pages and worked closely with the band director to fulfill her vision and reflect the values of the OHS Broncho Band. The site was created using tools from WiX. This is an ongoing project.


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git & Github
  • Command Line
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Agile Development


Junior Software Developer

IBG Software

Collaborates with developers and product team to implement designs and interfaces that align with the customer's goal. Part of an international team with a focus on back end development. Works both independently and collaboratively while taking ownership of assigned tickets. Actively participates in agile ceremonies including daily standup meetings, sprint planning and retrospective.

November 2022 - Present

Robotics Teacher

Crockett Middle School

Taught six sections of robotics to 7th and 8th grade students. Curriculum included basic computer science and robotics concepts using lessons from, and LEGO Education. Engaged students in daily hands-on learning by implementing the engineering/problem solving process. Experience with robots and circuit boards include Ozobots, BBC micro:bit, and Spike Prime LEGO set.

August 2021 - July 2022

Elementary Music Specialist

Sam Houston Elementary School

Facilitated weekly general music instruction for students in Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade. Pioneered an after school guitar club and piano club offered to 4th and 5th grade students. Innovation Campus Ambassador.

August 2019 - July 2021

AIM Technician

Southwest Conservation Corps

As a Stream Habitat Assessment Technician in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), assisted with the implementation of the aquatic Assessment, Inventory, Monitoring (AIM) initiative. Sampled twelve random streams and rivers throughout New Mexico located on BLM land. Data collected included water sampling, invasive and native plant species identification, EPT taxa sampling, and various metrics of the body of water.

April-2018 - October 2018

Trail Worker

California Conservation Corps

Selected for the 2017 season in the Backcountry Trails Program. Maintained trails in the Trinity Alps Wilderness to allow for safe access by the public. Projects included rock walls, water bars, steps, logging, and treading new trail. Tools used included: pulaski, crosscut saw, loppers, rogue hoes, McLeod and shovel. Performed KP duties on a rotational basis which included preparing food for a crew of 17 members.

April 2017 - September 2017

Teaching Assistant

The University of Texas at El Paso

Taught labs including Ecology, Organismal Biology, Invertebrate Zoology, General Biology, and Field Biology. Prepared lessons, set up labs, created quizzes, graded all assignments and arranged overnight field trips. Worked closely with tenured professors to ensure the curriculum was delivered correctly.

Fall 2014 - Spring 2017

Graduate Field Researcher

Indio Mountains Research Station

Collected grasshopper specimens bi-monthly at specified locations on IMRS. Conducted plant surveys using modified quadrats and belt transect method. Assisted colleagues with processing, marking and recapturing live venomous and non-venomous snakes and a variety of lizards.

Fall 2014 - Spring 2017


The University of Texas at Austin

Web Development Certificate
June 2022 - Septemper 2022

The University of Texas at El Paso

M.S. Biological Sciences
August 2014 - May 2017

The University of Texas at El Paso

B.S. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
August 2009 - May 2014


First and foremost, I am a musician. I have been playing trumpet for 20 years and still get butterflies when on stage. My classic influences include Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Freddie Hubbard, Lee Morgan and Clifford Brown. I don't have the bandwidth to list out all my current influences. I have volunteered my time as a private tutor for beginner and intermediate trumpet players.

When I'm not listening to or making music, you can find me outside hanging upside from a tree. I attempt to spend my free time in nature or reading a good book. Some of the most memorable places I've visited so far include: Trinity Alps Wilderness, Rocky Mountain National Park and Arches National Park.